The Seed Money Facility grants EU funding on application for the development of projects that contribute to the implementation of the actions and objectives of a priority area or horizontal action of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Partners that receive seed money funding will draft a project plan that can be further developed into an application to any of the EU or national funding sources e.g. the European Structural & Investment Funds programmes 2014-2020. The plan has to include a description of activities and outputs, the composition of the partnership, the indicative budget and an analysis of funding possibilities. If the future project is to be focused on investments, also feasibility and pre-investment studies can be financed. The seed money funding is granted for a period up to one year. In addition, the projects are granted two extra months for managing all tasks related to concluding of a contract. The total budget of the seed money project may range from 30,000 to 50,000 EUR at which the grant co-financing rate amounts up to 85%. The organizations implementing the seed money projects are expected to complement their grants with own contributions, which must not come from other EU sources.